Friday, 20 July 2012
Packing up day 2012
Well it's the end of another school year and this Blog is now nearly a year old! What started as just an idea making old Domains work has now grown into a full Year 11 Intervention site, Teaching Blog and now cascading into the ICT department and whole school. I have ideas on how to move them all forward in September and how to track the impact of it all. Also looking forward to learning new and exciting things that I haven't yet discovered.
Wednesday, 18 July 2012
Snaggy is a Handy Screen Capture Tool

Snaggy is a web-based tool for drawing on, annotating, and sharing screen captures. To draw or write on your screen capture just paste your screen capture image into Snaggy. Snaggy offers tools for highlighting a section of your screen capture, typing on it, and drawing free-hand on your image. You can also use Snaggy to crop your image. When you're ready to share your screen capture, Snaggy assigns is a custom url that you can Tweet, email, or post anywhere you like. Snaggy lets you save your edited screen captures to your computer too.
Monday, 16 July 2012
@impacteduk is a community for educators to discuss and debate the innovations and practices in education and evaluate them against research for impact on children's learning. It is a community interested in evidence and rigour. This is not the place for anecdotes and opinions, unless they are to stimulate discussion.
Friday, 13 July 2012
DiDA Update
Hi, the following update is of interest to schools and colleges currently delivering DiDA or planning to offer DiDA for the first time in September 2012.
01. Current DiDA Specification
DiDA in its current form, is included in the list of qualifications that will attract headline performance measures for schools (5 A*-C) in 2014. This means that you can continue to offer DiDA to a new cohort of year 10 learners in September.
Due to recent reform, AiDA (90 GLH), will continue to count towards learner progression but will not attract headline performance in 2014. CiDA, CiDA+ and DiDA will continue to offer the same benefits to learners as always and will each count as one GCSE towards schools headline performance in 2014.
This recent DiDA update offers further guidance on the most appropriate course for each of your year groups.
02. Next Generation CiDA
We have recently submitted Next Generation CiDA (120 GLH) for accreditation. We remain confident that the NG qualification will be available to teach in September 2012 (subject to accreditation by Ofqual). Please plan for the eventuality that Ofqual may request further amendments to our submission that would results in a delay to accreditation.
In the meantime you can read more about the qualification and download the pre-accreditation draft specification on the NG CiDA pages of our website.
Thursday, 12 July 2012
Digging Deeper
I am looking into how we can develop this idea as part of our Digging Deeper Days next year
Tuesday, 10 July 2012
Next Generation CiDA - Pre-accreditation Draft Specification
DiDA 09 July 2012
Next Generation CiDA - Pre-accreditation Draft Specification
Friday, 6 July 2012
20 Must-See Facts About The 21st Century Classroom
So what is the current state of the 21st century classroom? How many teachers have computers in their classroom? What are the 3 biggest reasons to use technology in your classroom? A new infographic from Open Colleges spells it out.

Key Takeaways
- 91% of teachers have computers in the classroom
- Just 20% think they have the right level of technology in the classroom
- More than half of all colleges surveyed say their biggest priority is upgrading their wi-fi system
- 43% of teachers surveyed have used online games in the classroom
- 29% of teachers use social networks… 80% of college professors do too.
Thursday, 5 July 2012
Apps in Education: Stop Motion Apps - Great Storytelling
Apps in Education: Stop Motion Apps - Great Storytelling: Storytelling continues to be a powerful tool in education. Storytelling from a teacher's point of view allows us an insight into the depth o...
E-safety school self-evaluation tool
The 360 degree safe online tool provides a user friendly and interactive means for schools to review their eSafety provision and to develop an action plan to bring about improvements. The tool is currently free of charge to schools on completion of a simple registration process.
The thing that makes it stand out for me is that it not only lets you record where you are, but suggests where you need to go next to improve!
Well worth a look for any who are concerned with whole school approaches to e-safety.
Will be starting this in September 2012
Monday, 2 July 2012
Creating the New ICT Curriculum
I'm working on the assumption that our new ICT PoS will reflect the view of the Royal Society Report on Computing in Schools, which recommended that all pupils should have a broadly based Computing curriculum - the Royal Society explicitly equates Computing with ICT, so they are recommending a broadly based ICT curriculum, which should include elements of IT, Computer Science and Digital Literacy. Pupils should then (at Key Stage 4) have the option to study Computer Science as a specialism.
Working on the assumption that a MUCH thinner PoS is going to be one side of A4 or less, then here is my first bash at what I think it needs to include:
ICT is about being able to operate effectively as a citizen in the 21st century. It includes aspects of Computer Science, IT and Digital Literacy. Every pupil should:
- understand how 'information technologies' (e.g. phones, internet, TV, computer programs) impact on society (e.g. culture, ways of knowing, meaning making, ways of interacting, changing disciplines and ways of working)
- be able to safely develop and maintain an effective personal learning network (PLN) - with PLN being defined broadly, so including f2f as well as 'technology mediated' information exchange/knowledge building (and including books as a form of technology) - this would include understanding about digital identities and being able to manage their own digital identities appropriately.
- be able to effectively investigate an issue using their PLN and drawing on skills in finding and analyzing information (bringing in search and critical appraisal skills, data handling and use of dynamic modeling) - this would bring in elements of IT (choosing and using appropriate tools) and Computer Science (understanding data structures, boolean logic, search strategies, algorithms vs heuristics, etc.)
- be able to create a balanced interactive re-presentation on an issue that they have investigated, for an intelligent and digitally literate audience (which might include hypermedia, multi-media, dynamic models, and procedural representations) - this brings in the 'making' and creativity elements – as well as elements of IT (choosing and using appropriate tools) and Computer Science (coding, programming)
I now need to tie this together into a more concrete way maybe in these 4 strands. They will need to work together in one lesson a week ICT/Computing over a two year KS3. Maybe four units over the two years replacing/evolving our Units 1 - 4. Or even a Homestudies theme based on the points below. Maybe even a project based learning approach bringing them all together.
- Digital Literacy
- Digital Technology
- Digital Authoring
- Digital Society
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